I think I've now worked out the solution, It's a bit of a pain in the arse, but it does seem to work. Here goes.
- Close down any running Firefox instances.
- Start Firefox (the one you're going to run your tests with) with the profile manager:
firefox -ProfileManager
- Create a new profile. You'll be prompted to choose a directory for the profile. Put it somewhere inside the project where you're writing the tests.
- Select the profile and run Firefox using it.
- Browse to the HTTPS URL (with self-signed certificate) you're going to be testing against.
- Accept the self-signed certificate when prompted. This creates an exception for it in the profile.
- Close the browser.
- Go to the Firefox profile directory.
- Delete everything in the directory except for the cert_override.txt and cert8.db files.
- When you run your Selenium server (like in my Ant example above), pass a
-firefoxProfileTemplate /path/to/profile/dir
argument to it. This tells Selenium to use your partial profile (with certificate exceptions) as a basis for minting its new profile. So you get the certificate exceptions, but without any of the other clutter you would get if you used a whole profile.
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